LogicStew Updates & Happenings

Headless WordPress: A New Frontier for Digital Experiences

What is Headless WordPress? Traditionally, WordPress has been a monolithic platform, managing both the content (backend) and the presentation (frontend) of a website. Headless WordPress, on the other hand, decouples these two components,…

Digital Branding: Your Brand’s Online Identity

In today's digital age, your brand's online presence is more crucial than ever. Digital branding is the process of creating and managing a brand's identity online. It's about ensuring your brand message is consistent across all digital platforms,…

Digital Signage: The Future of Visual Communication

Digital signage has transformed the way businesses and organizations interact with their audiences. No longer confined to static posters and billboards, dynamic visual displays are capturing attention and delivering messages with unprecedented…

WordPress: The Unsung Hero of the Web

Why WordPress Reigns Supreme as a CMS In the vast digital landscape, choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) is crucial for building a successful online presence. With countless options available, WordPress has consistently stood…

WooCommerce: The Powerhorse of Ecommerce

When it comes to building an online store, the choice of platform is paramount. WooCommerce, a free open-source plugin for WordPress, has emerged as a top contender for businesses of all sizes. Let's delve into why: Flexibility and Customization Build…

Don’t Censor The Web!

I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit: http://americancensorship.org/posts/43356/uncensor As…

The ongoing struggle for freedom and control in cyberspace

When an Internet force like Apple or Google censor themselves at the request of a government, is it smart business or appeasement? In many cases these governments pressure these large companies into becoming accessories to their crimes. Rebecca…

Why PROTECT IP & SOPA Would Kill The Internet

The Internet Blacklist Legislation - known as PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House - is a threatening sequel to last year's COICA Internet censorship bill. Like its predecessor, this legislation invites…

It’s only revolutionary because it works

rev·o·lu·tion·ar·y [rev-uh-loo-shuh-ner-ee]: radically new or innovative; outside or beyond establishedprocedure, principles, etc.: a revolutionary discovery. It's sad, really, but doing the right thing for your customers seems to be…